25 May 2009

Re:National day celebrations.

17th May is known world wide by all Norwegians as the distinct day to comemorate the constitutionalism of the country for nearly 2 centuries todate. Celebrations are organised in micro communities and all people from newly born to great great grand parents of over 90 years of age are party to.
All houses have the national flag flying by the front and patriotism is inculcated in the children at a tender age. All people from different walks of life are joined together by a national cause with out any manifestations of political differences and the well prepared adorn the national outfit or the best wear available.
This year as the king was out of his castle with the royals waving to members of the public in Oslo the prime minister was in Spain celebrating with Norwegians who had gone for vacation.
This also marks the end of upper secondary school finalists celebrations and its the only time they wear something in semblace of a uniform in the national colours.
A lot is usually fixed on the agenda and activities range from matching (childrens parade), prayers, speeches at local level (in some cases led by children), paying tribute to the dead, games in the evening (e.g football) and house hold celebrations as a climax.

Re:Visit to Re Kommune (Tonsberg)

From Wednesday 6th May 2009 to Sunday 10th May 2009 we re-united with fellow country men Henry Kabiriri and Saidi Bright hailing from Katwe municipality in the western part of Uganda. These nationals are representing a partnership between their motherland and Re-community in Vestfold county.
In Re, we visited all the schools in the Kommune ranging from Barne Skole (Primary), Ungdom Skole (Lower secondary) and Videreagende (upper secondary). The students were hospitable and we enjoyed each others company. We joined an education trip with the Laurelstoppen Barne skole in which they were shown around their community and among the places visited included churches, farms, an inactive volcano (glacier), a camping site and the historical sites in world war II. Well this sounds crazy but we visited part of the coast line separating Norway, Denmark and Sweden and the beach is known by the name "end of the world" with strong exhilarating breeze andwaves.

19 May 2009

FK- Vestfold conference

On the 6th May 2009 Fredskorpset organized a conference in Vestfold county (Brunstad conference hall). The event was to provide inspiration to the development of networks and increased strategic collaboration between institutions and individuals. The conference was also to provide the public, institutions and other interested parties the opportunity to meet key players in teaching and education sectors, both from Norway and abroad. A number of topics in relation to education were discussed. Geoffrey was invited as a guest speaker and had to discuss the topic – “How can exchange from the south improve Norwegian Institutions?” The conference was spiced up with cultural music and dances performed by FK participants from Fredrikstad Cultural School.

Vennskap Nord/Sør - Stord Conference

On the morning of 24th April 2008 we took a ferry to Stord - an island in the south of Bergen to attend a conference about the North/ South friendship (Vennskap Nord/ Sør) in Norsk. One issue on the agenda was the commemoration of 10 years of partnership between Comalapa- a municipality in Guatemala and Stord. Other issues regarding exchange programmes between the North and the south were discussed. A number of small group workshops were held in which we actively participated.

A Visit to Bergen

On the 22nd April 2009 was the day for long awaited trip to the western coast. This trip included a tour of Bergen, Norway’s biggest town next to Oslo. Among the places visited included the University of Bergen, the King’s Castle, Bryggens museum which is based on the findings of the archeological excavations of Bryggen between 1955 and 1972. The foundations of the oldest buildings in Bergen from the 12th century can be seen here and many other pieces of artifact. Also interesting was the funicular trip (cable train) from the middle of the city to a magnificent mountain scenery.